Friday 5 December 2014

We all have our favorite anime/manga series that we've grown to love and resonate with, but what happens when that series ends? It doesn't matter if you're a super-fan that's collected all the merchandise that exists or if you're just a casual reader/watcher; Chances are, you're going to experience these stages (in any order). This can also apply to the death of your favorite character or the debunking of your One-True-Pairing.

Shock & Disbelief: 

Initially, you won't believe it's ended. Your mind will enter a state of shock to protect you from being overwhelmed by your emotions. This could last a few hours to weeks, depending on how involved you were with the series. You'll continue your routine as if nothing happened until you move on to the next stage.

Pain & Guilt:

Once you're no longer in shock, the emotions that were suppressed before will hit you like a rasengan in the gut! You'll be over-whelmed and that's healthy. Just remember that all things come to an end and there's nothing you could do.

Anger & Bargaining:

With all the emotions you're feeling, you're eventually going to experience anger as well. You'll blame the mangaka, other fans, and you'll start selfish online petitions to bring your series back, even if the mangaka has moved on.

 Depression & Loneliness:

Eventually you'll realize there's nothing you can do. Most people around you won't understand how much this series affected you, so you just lay there, in despair, reflecting on the series.


As time goes on, you'll channel your emotions into something positive. You'll still miss your series, but by now you might start looking at a new series because someone suggested it to you.


You'll take what you learned from that series, the mottoes of your favorite characters and use it to better your life. You'll find more people with common interests and eventually move on to the last stage.

Acceptance & Hope:

You've accepted your fate and even though the series ended, it lives on through you. You've found new series to follow and you'll once again experience the excitement that comes with a great manga/anime. You might even start shipping characters again!

Losing a anime/manga isn't an easy thing, especially when it's really affected the person you are. Just remember, life goes on and there are plenty of other fans who've felt the exact same as you.

{ 3 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you I really needed that naruto forever

  2. Omg true feels! I've experienced every one of these stages! :-[

  3. Thanks ;w; I was sooo lost when my *current* favorite manga ended. Still don't know what to do though. I'll just go back to my rock...


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